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Top Items
- Septic pumping
- 90 minute full body massage with Elevated Wellness
- Tickets for 4 on Santa Cruz Beach train OR Redwood Forest Train
- "Prince" Knox Box
- $100 Gift Certificate towards a Facial
- 60 minute therapeutic massage
- Certificate for Shadowbrook Restaurant
- 4 hour rental of downtown facility (classroom and gym)
- 1 hr massage with Lori Yee
- $50 towards framing services
The Online Auction is Open!
The online portion of BCBA Auction Fundraiser is now open. The auction will run from March 8, 2025 to March 23, 2025, with the live event taking place on March 8, 2025. Proceeds go to Boulder Creek Business Association in order to support the economic vitality, historic pride, and community spirit of the town of Boulder Creek. Auction items range from helicopter tours to excavation services, septic pumping and a gorgeous painting of redwoods. We have items for locals and tourists alike, so tell your friends, family, community. Let the bidding begin!
Live Event Details
3PM - 8PM PST Add to My Calendar
BCBA Board of Directors!
Make Your Bid to Support Downtown Boulder Creek!
Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our organization and mission. Funds raised in the auction will be used to cover expenses for projects benefitting the businesses and community at large. Projects may be anything from ribbon cuttings for new businesses to collaborations for various infrastructure and anything in between!
Featured Items